DIY-How To Make A Cellphone Holder Using Plastic Bottle
When our cellphone chargers are plugged in outlets, almost all of us have probles with their cables.Sometimes they are too long and mess up around all the way acumulating dirty and dust. If you have kids this situation is worse, they start playing with cables and phones and we are always afraid of them do something wrong or hurt themselves.
To finish with these inconvenient situations, we are going to show you how to do a cell phone holder to use when your phone is plugged in outlets.I hope this help you to charge your cellphone batteries in a safer and easier way.
The phone holder project is so easy and simple that anyone can do it at home.As you can see in the pictures, there are two ways to make them.One is using a plastic sheet and the other one is using any kind of plastic bottles.
To do the first option you will need a plastic sheet of your choice and scissors (if symmetry is important for you, of course you will also need a ruler and a pen). First draw a long line in your plastic sheet (about 30 cm). Do the same line on the bottom of the previous one letting about 10 cm of space between them. Connect the lines in their ends drawing a half circle and draw two entire circles in both edges. Use the scissors to cut the plastic sheets and your holder is done!
If you decide to do your cellphone holder using a plastic bottle, firstly you need to check if the bottle you have isn´t too big or too small for your phone. The best types of plastic bottle for this project are the flattened one as some bottles of cream or shampoo but you can also use water bottles to do it), you will also need scissors and a pen.
You need to to cut the bottle as in the picture bellow.Draw the lines on the bottle where you are going to cut it. Be careful during the work because the bottles are a bit harder and it is diffcult to give a shape with scissors. Make a hole in the back of your holder to be able to connect the cables in the outlet. After your work, you may paint your phone holder or if you have a nice cloth you may cover the phone holder using a bit of hot glue.Your phone holder is ready.No mess up anymore!
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